PSPC Worship Service

The Worship of the God of Grace in Jesus Christ
March 14, 2021 - 10:00 AM Service
4th Sunday in Lent
Liturgical Color: Purple
Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

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Pre-worship Music He's Got The Whole World In His Hands  Alex Danson
Good Morning Palm Springs Presbyterian Church and Friends!
Has everyone received their COVID vaccines?  We certainly hope you have at least received your first vaccine and scheduled for your second.  If not, and you would like assistance in scheduling your vaccines, please contact the office at (760) 320-2769 as soon as possible.  We can refer you to someone who's background is in the healthcare industry and can help you maneuver through all the options to ensure you are scheduled to receive your vaccine.
Your Session will be meeting this next Tuesday, the 16th, and an important topic on the agenda is to determine if we are able to open our church for worship in the near future.  We are monitoring the city and county regulations on this very closely and will keep you informed as we have information on this important topic.  
We hope our members have marked their calendars to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting next Sunday the 21st, at 11:30.   You should have received a letter either by email or US Mail this past week providing the information to join this meeting remotely.  If you have not received this information, please contact the office at 760-320-2769.  You also will be receiving via email or US Mail our 2020 Annual Report for your review prior to the Congregational Meeting. 
A big birthday wish goes out to Steve Dobay.  Happy Birthday, Steve.  We hope you have a wonderful day and be blessed throughout the year with great health and happiness.

Gathering Song God Welcomes All  Hymn #399
ONE: A song to our strong God!
A shout to the God of Jacob!

ALL: Anthems from the choir, music from the band,
sweet sounds from lute and harp,
Trumpets and trombones and horns:

ONE: it

Welcoming My Peace  Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins
ALL: Merciful and mighty God, we confess our sin and the hypocrisy of our complaints. We grumble about the evils in our world, even as we take no action to speak against them. We fret about the scarcity of resources while jealously protecting what we have. We protest the problems of the world, but we do not actively work to address the. For these and every way we sin against you, we ask your forgiveness.

Passing of the Peace His Name Is Life  Congregarion
Sisters and brothers, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. In the name and by the love of Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Hallelujah! Amen.

Life of the Church I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art  Dirk Voerman
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Prelude Gloria Patri  Alex Danson
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen

Call to Worship (Responsive) Jesus Loves Even Me  Dirk Voerman
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to present yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.
Let us offer our lives to the Lord.
Romans 12:1

Opening Hymn The Power of the Cross  Hymn #624
God of unending gifts, we praise you for your abundant goodness.
As you are generous, we want to be generous too.
May the gifts we bring extend your generosity into the world,
so that all people may be made whole by your goodness and grace. Amen.

Prayer of Adoration & Confession (Unison) Psalm 107:1-8, 17-21  Dirk Voerman

(A moment for silent reflection) Day By Day  Dirk Voerman

Assurance of Forgiveness (Unison) Numbers 21:4-9  Hymn #581

Praise Hymn Ephesians 2:1-10  Hymn #357

Prayers of the People & Lord's Prayer Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

Anthem Standing On The Promises  Dirk Voerman

Prayer for Illumination (Unison) Shall We Gather At The River?  Dirk Voerman

Psalter Lesson (Unison) May Your Presence Go With Us  Hymn #55

Song of Preparation Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

OT Lesson Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

Epistle Lesson Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

Pastor: "The Word of the Lord." People: "Thanks be to God." Hymn #838

Sermon Alex Danson

In Response Hymn #606

Morning Tithes and Offerings Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins

Offertory Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins


Prayer of Dedication

A Challenge to Go Forth

A Sending Song



10:00 AM
Rev. Sally Willis-Watkins
Going into God's World as God's Messengers
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Sundays at 10:00 AM
(760) 320-2769

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Acts 2:22-28; Luke 24:17-27, 44-45; John 21:1-14

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