PSPC Worship Service

The Worship of the God of Grace in Jesus Christ
December 24, 2010 -  7:00 PM Service
Christmas Eve
Lessons and Carols
Liturgical Color: Purple
Pastor Bill Johnson

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Gathering, Welcoming, and Preparing to Meet with God “Infant Holy, Infant Holy”  Pastor Bill Johnson
Tonight is a time to center on Jesus Christ and celebrate God's love given in Jesus' birth.
A quiet time of celebration. "For God so love the world ....and the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us and we have seen His glory ....Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
We are part of the Body of Christ and we gather this evening to place our lives, and the lives of our loved ones, in our Lord's hands. God bless each of us as we walk with Christ and celebrate his birth.

Prelude “O Come, All Ye Faithful”  Choir
We give you thanks, O God, for this celebration of Jesus’ birth. As we have lit the Advent candles, and now the Christ candle, rekindle in our hearts the light Jesus brings to this world in which you have placed us. May our lives demonstrate the life of Jesus our Lord. May all with which you have blessed us be available to others as a blessing. May we be filled with your peace and presence and may we share that peace with those around us. Forgive us when we fail you and our neighbors. Restore us to the Prince of Peace who gives us life and life eternal. May we be filled with the presence of our Lord as we celebrate and rejoice in his birth even as we pray in his name and for the sake of this world. Amen

Pastoral Greeting “Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome”  Pastor Bill Johnson
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

Lighting of the Christ Candle “Night Before Christmas”  Jeff, Jackie, Daniel & Elizabeth Morgan
As you receive the Bread, please hold it until all have been served; we will then take the Bread together symbolizing our oneness in Christ. As you receive the Cup, please drink of it as you receive it symbolizing our uniqueness before Christ.

Call to Worship “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”  Hymn #145 (1 & 2)

*Christmas Prayer (In Unison) “I Come to the Stable”  Choir

*Assurance of Forgiveness “Away In A Manger”  Elder Suzanne Swartz

Liturgist: Praise God for his promise of forgiveness and new life. “Night Before Christmas”  Elder Suzanne Swartz

People: Turning to God, we trust his promises. “This Holy Night”  Choir

Liturgist: In the name of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, we are forgiven. Amen Doxology  Reader: Nancy Spencer

Singing Scripture: Luke 2: 8-14  Hymn #124 (1 & 2)

The Birth Prophecy: Isaiah 9: 2-7 “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear”  Reader: Steve Lutke

The Birth of Jesus Foretold: Luke 1: 26-38 “Joy to the World”  Choir & Sheila Molazadeh, flute

The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2: 1-7 Silent Night! Holy Night!  Reader: Joyce Johnson

The Shepherds and Angels: Luke 2: 8-14 Hymn #157 (all)

The Bringing of Our Gifts to the Work of Jesus: Luke 2: 15-20 Reader: Kent McGarity

Offertory: Choir

Prayer of Dedication Pastor Bill Johnson

“In the Quietness of the Night” Choir

Invitation Pastor Bill Johnson

Words of Institution Hymn #128 (1 & 4)

Prayer of Consecration Pastor Bill Johnson

Prayer of Thanksgiving Pastor Bill Johnson

Response in Song Pastor Bill Johnson

The Blessing from Pastor Bill Johnson Pastor Bill Johnson

The choir will sing Silent Night! Holy Night! as they lead the congregation outside to gather on the front steps to sing Silent Night! Holy Night! to the neighborhood. We will sing all 3 stanzas and continue to sing. Pastor Bill Johnson

Please extinguish your candles and leave them in boxes by the doors or gates after you leave the church. Hymn #128 (1 & 4)

Christmas Carols as we Stand Hymn #125 (1 & 4)

Singing: “Silent Night, Holy Night”. All 3 stanzas as we leave through the front doors of the church to sing to the neighborhood and Gathering on the Front Steps Continuing to Sing “Silent Night, Holy Night” Choir


Returning to God our Tithes and Offerings Pastor Bill Johnson

7:00 PM
Lessons and Carols
Pastor Bill Johnson
The Christmas Story in Word and Song
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Sundays at 10:00 AM
(760) 320-2769

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May 19, 2024, 10:00:00
''Consequences of Birth''
Rev. Barbara Thursby
Psalm 104:24-35, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Acts 2:1-21, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Questions for Pastor Pat

Have questions about the Bible? Write your questions and drop them off in the box in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Pat will answer as many questions as she can in a future sermon.