The Worship of the God of Grace in Jesus Christ December 1, 2024 - 10:00 AM Service
1st Sunday of AdventLiturgical Color: purple
"Hidden Potency" by Rev. Ron Duvall
Play the whole Service: 0:00 / 0:00 NOTHING FOUND! |
Pre-worship Music | Noel, Noel | Praise Band |
Gathering Song | God Welcomes All | Hymn #399 |
Welcoming | Rev. Ron Duvall | |
Life of the Church | Elder Kay Chabot | |
Passing of the Peace | My Peace | Congregation |
ONE: May the peace of Christ be with you. ALL: And also with you. |
Prelude | I Wonder As I Wander | Praise Band |
Lighting the First Advent Candle | Frank Fournier & Jim Wyno | |
One: We come together to worship God! All: Let our praises delight the Sovereign God who comes to us in love and mercy. One: Today is the First Sunday of Advent. All: As did people long ago, we wait for the Messiah who will set us free from the power of death and despair. One: Advent is a season of waiting. All: We are preparing for the birth of the Christ Child by listening and watching for the movement of GodÎ |
* Opening Hymn | O Come, O Come, Emmanuel | Hymn #88 (vss 1, 6, 7) |
Prayer of Confession (Responsive) | ||
One: Loving God, we are often oblivious to your presence, consumed by our own interests and numb to your leading. Yet you are merciful, eager to impress yourself upon us and transform us in your image. Confident in your character and power, we boldly confess our sin. All: On this first Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that you sought us out, long before we would have thought to look for you. We now sing and pray about your coming among us, and yet we are not always sure that that is what we really want. It would shake things up so much! Forgive our reluctance, we ask, and use this season of Advent to help us prepare to embrace your coming, to celebrate Jesus |
(A moment for silent reflection) | ||
Assurance of Forgiveness (Responsive) | From Romans 8 | |
One: |
* Gloria Patri | Hymn #581 | |
* Praise Hymn | Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah | Hymn # 85 (all) |
Prayers of the People & Lord's Prayer | ||
Anthem | Bless the Lord, O My SouI | Praise Band |
Prayer for Illumination (Unison) | ||
All: Sovereign God, as the days grow shorter and our world continues to suffer, we long to know your healing presence. Send your Spirit to stir up in us the faith and hope to recognize you, to heed your Word and to follow you. Amen. |
Psalter Lesson (Unison) | Psalm 25: 1-6 | Elder Kay Chabot |
Hebrew Lesson | Jeremiah 33: 14-16 | |
Gospel Lesson | Matthew 13: 1-3, 24, 31a, 33, 36a | |
Pastor: The Word of the Lord People: Thanks be to God | ||
Sermon | "Hidden Potency" | Rev. Ron Duvall |
Hymn of Preparation | As the Wind Song | Hymn #292 |
Invitation | ||
The Great Thanksgiving | ||
Breaking of the Bread | ||
Communion of the People | ||
Prayer after Communion | ||
Morning Tithes and Offerings | ||
Offertory | The Star Carol (italian) | Praise Band |
* Doxology | Hymn #606 | |
* Prayer of Dedication | ||
* A Challenge to Go Forth | ||
* A Sending Song | God of Grace and God of Glory | Hymn #307 (vss 1, 4) |
* Benediction | ||
Postlude | Go, Tell It On The Mountain | Praise Band |